Monday, September 14, 2015

Preinvasive cervical disease - CIN

CIN1       mild dysplasia       
CIN2       moderate dysplasia
CIN3       severe dysplasia           

CIN 1 - low grade
CIN 2 and 3 – high grade     
Bethesda classification
Low grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (LSIL) – mild dysplasia
High grade squamous intra epithelial lesion        - moderate/severe dyplasia

CIN3   - 30 -50% progress to invasive cancer if left alone
Mild dykaryosis – 16-47 fold increased risk for cancer compare to general female population.

HPV DNA virus
Chromosome contains  early and late gene region
Early region – codes functional proteins
Late gene – codes protein coat

E6 transforming protein binds p53 tumor suppressor gene
E7 major transforming protein binds the RB tumor suppressor

Higher risk subtypes – HPV -16,-18,31.-33,-35,-45,56,etc
Low risk subtypes – HPV  -6,-11

Impaired cell mediated immunity – increased risk
Impaired humoral immunity – risk is not increased

Quadravalent vaccine – directed against HPV 6 11 16 18
Bivalent vaccine          - HPV 16 18
Both types increase specific IgG
Both vaccine exploits the ability of viral capsid proteins to self-assemble into virus like particle .
Virus like particle same antigenic signature as a real virus but as they don’t have DNA - non infective or non-transforming

Pitfall of vaccine
30% of cancers are due to non HPV 16 and 18
Duration of effect is only 4.5 yrs.
No protection for already infected people

Immortalization and transformation

Most cells have life span of 50 – 60 cell division .HPV increase life span, and prevent differentiation  which cause cells to carry on dividing . Which is called as immortalization .
Immortalization  allows DNA damage to accumulate .

NHS (UK) screening programme
25 – 49 years every 3 year
50 -65 years every 5 years
< 25 years – high prevalence but most are transient infection – so only opportunistic screening offered

Coverage  is defined as  percentage of women in the target age group 25 -64 years who is screened in the last 5 years.

If coverage 80%                                reduction of death rate 95%.

The proportion of normal smears increases in older women but so does the proportion of abnormalities representing the invasive cancer.
Specificity 98%
Sensitivity 51%

Further investigation
CIN 1 – repeat in 6 month
CIN 2 3 – further evaluation by colposcopy

Low power binocular microscope
Magnification 4- 25 times

Before colposcopy,
 Brief history  of LMP, smoking and contraception
Bimanual examination

Colposcopic  Examination done in lithotomy position
Moisten the epithelium with saline soaked cotton wool
Examine underlying vessels with high magnification 16-25
Green filter makes capillaries more clear
Shape of capillaries and intercappillary distance is measured
 Acetic acid apply acetic acid by spray or cotton wool
Mucolytic effect helps more clear examination
Acetowhiteness is noted
Cytoplasm goes reversible changes
High nuclear cytoplasm ratio – nuclei become crowded

Hyperkeratosis /leukoplakia appear white before application
Not all acetowhiteness are CIN

Other causes of acetowhiteness
regenerating epithelium
subclinical HPV infection
immature metaplasia

Classical vessel pattern of CIN – punctuation and mosaic
Malignancy – bizarre vessel pattern.

lugol iodine
Not effected by acetic acid test
Premalignant ,malignant cells – no  glycogen or liitle glycogen
schillers positive – areas non staining with iodine
schillers negative  - areas take up iodine

Treatments for high grade lesions
Excisional technique – abnormal tissue is removed – specimen available for bipsy
Ablative – abnormal tissue is destroyed- no specimen – need punch biopsy beforehand
All achieve cure rate 90-95% except cryocautery which has 85%

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