Thursday, September 17, 2015

MCQs with answers

1. Regarding cardiac diseases during pregnancy,
a.Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) is the commonest  heart disease in developing countries.
b.anticoagulation should be ommited during pregnacy of a woman with mechanical heart valve
c.Fetal growth restriction and preterm birth are more common in pregnancies complicated by cyanotic congenital heart disease
d.pregnancy is contraindicated in Eisenmengers syndrome
e.caesarean section is the preferred method of delivery for majority of women with cardiac disease 

Answers- a-T   b- F   c- C  d- T   e - F

2.cardiac disease during pregnacy,
a. multidisciplinary team approach is necessary
b.adequate hydration by excessive administration of fluid should be given during labour
c.instrumental delivery during second stage of labour is contra indicated
d.epidural is better choice for intrapartum  pain management
e.ergometrine is better drug for active management of 3rd stage

Answers  - a- T  b-F    c- F   d - T      e- F

3.a women 49 year old woman presented with painless vaginal bleeding after 2 year history of amennorhea,
a. it cannot be labbelled as post menaupausal bleeding as she is only 49 years old
b.speculum examination is necessary for this women
c. endometrial thickness of 8mm is normal for this woman
d.ultasound identified a submucoasal fibroid in the woman, which may be the most likely cause for her bleeding
e.pippel biopsy need hospital admission and spinal aneasthesia

Answers - a- F   b - T    c- F       d- F      e- F

4 Regarding .postmenaupasal bleeding and investigation
a. 10 % of cases associated with malignacy
b.endometrial biopsy is considered only if woman has 3 or more episode of bleeding
c.hysterescopy has more sensitivity to diagnose endometrial malignacy than D and C
d.rare case of ovarian malignancy can present with postmenauposual bleeding
e.cervical malignacy is a known cause 

Answers - a- T   b- F    c- T   d- T    e- T

1 comment:

  1. Thank you sir...
    Is it okay to put some difficult mcqs for us, down here?
