Wednesday, September 23, 2015

MCQ with answers for final MBBS

1. True or false
a. Complain of involuntary leakage of certain urine during certain activity is only called as urinary incontinence
b.Leakage of urine during cough is called as genuine stress urinary incontinence
c.Overactive bladder (OAB) is defined as frequency  that occurs with or without UI 
d.Detrusor overactivity is characterized by involuntary contractions during the filling phase of cystometry which may be spontaneous or provoked .
e.Urinary tract infection must me excluded in any woman with urinary incontinence

answers - FTFTT

2. Recognized risk factors for urinary incontinence
a.Older age
b.Increased estrogen level 
d Vaginal delivery
e. Menopause 

answers  TFTTT

3.True or false

a.Loss of support to the bladder neck leads primarily to urge incontinence
b.Urodynamic tests are necessary to confirm the presence of stress incontinence
c.Urinary tract infection can cause urgency and stress incontinence
d.Urethral stricture is a cause for stress incontinence
e.Vesico vaginal fistula can present with urinary incontinence

answers FFTFT

4.True or false
a. Pelvic floor exercise is successful only in less severe cases of stress incontinence
b. Severe Stress incontinence is primarily treated by surgery
c. Advanced urodynamic studies are recommended before proceeding for surgery in any kind of urinary incontinence
d.Surgery is the best option for a patient with urge incontinence who failed to respond to conservative measure
e.Non invasive vaginal surgeries are the 1st line of surgical option for stress incontinence 

answers TTTFT

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