Tuesday, September 15, 2015

MCQs for final MBBS with answers

1, which of the following may be attributed as normal symptoms of pregnancy?

b.bleeding PV
c.nausea and vomiting
d.breast tenderness
e.urinary frequency

2,which may be the normal finding in the abdominal examination of the pregnant women? 
a. fundus at umbilicus at 32 weeks
b.fundus at xiphoid sternum only at term
c.head not engaged after 37 weeks in a multiparous women 
d.breech presentation at 28 weeks
e.incisional hernia 

3.regarding diabetis complicating pregnancy,
a.screening for diabetes done only in high risk woman in srilanka
b.oral glucose tolerance test is the gold standard test
c.women with gestational diabetis mellitus is at increased risk for PIH
d.all oral hypoglycemic drugs are contraindicated 
e shoulder dystocia is a known complication 

4.Regarding hypertensive disorder in pregnancy ,
a.Primi mothers are having more risk for PIH than a pregnant women with second pregnancy
b.Poor trophoblastic invasion is implicated as a pathogenesis for PIH
c.Asprin is recommended as a prophylaxis for women high risk for PIH
d.Fetal growth retardation (FGR) is a well associated complication
e.Captopril is a ideal drug to control blood pressure during pregnancy 

1.True - A,C D E
2.True -C,D
3.True -B,C,E
4.True - A,B,C,D


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