Monday, July 27, 2015

Post menopausal bleeding

Continues absence of menstruation for 1 year is called as menopause.
Bleeding after menaupose is postmenapausal bleeding.


·        Vulva /vagina- trauma, localized infection ,tumors 9benign /malignancies)
·        Cervix – cervicitis , polyp ,decubitus ulcer in prolapse,malignancy
·        Uterus- senile endometritis ,endometrial hypeplasia , endometrial polyp,endometrial               malignancy
·        Fallopian tube malignancies
·        Esrogen secreting ovarian malignancies
·        Prolonged use of estrogen unopposed by progesterone in HRT

History and examination
Age of menarche and menopause
History of taking oestrogen and tamoxifen
History of prolapse
Abdominal pain
Foul smelling discharge
Urinary and rectal symptoms .
Speculum examination – look for vulval ,vaginal and cervical causes
Abdominal and bimanual examination- abdominal tumor

Excluding malignancy is the main aim of investigation.
1.     Transvaginal ultrasound – measure the  endometrial thickness
                                               If ET >4mm need endometrial biopsy
2.     Endometrial biopsy

3.     Cervical smear and biopsy if cervical pathology is suspected

Treat the cause
If no cause is found and only one episode of  bleeding , noo intervention is needed.
If bleeding persist may need hysterectomy and histopathological study of the specimen.

1 comment:

  1. I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, a friend of mine Lola, who had a similar disease told me about Dr. James  herbal mix  medicine who cured her of Ovarian cancer, .She gave me Dr.James  email address, I contacted him quickly and he assured that his herbal mix medicine will cure my breast cancer, I said Okay. I asked him about the process for the cure, he asked me to pay for the fees which I did and within 4 working days, he sent me the herbal mix medicine and instructed me on how to drink it for 3 months to get cured. I told Lola my friend about the herbal medicine so she gave me a go-ahead to drink it. I drank the herbal medicine for  2 months and I was totally cured. I'm so grateful and I have promised to recommend anyone suffering from cancer or any kind of disease to him and that what I'm doing.Dr.James herbal mix medicine  made me  believe there is hope for people suffering from diseases like Alzheimer's diseases, Bipolar disorder, Schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease, Schizophrenia, Cancer, Scoliosis, Bladder Cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Breast Cancer, Kidney Cancer, Leukemia, Lung Cancer, Skin Cancer, Uterine Cancer, Prostate Cancer, Fibromyalgia, a
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