Monday, July 27, 2015


Definition  - Pregnancy that ends spontaneously before fetus has reached a viable gestational age.(24 weeks)

It occurs in an estimated 10-20% of clinically recognized pregnancies.
75% of spontaneous abortions occur before the 16th week.

1.     chromosomal abnormalities
2.     Endocrine abnormalities (10- 15%)
3.     Cervical incompetence (8-10%)
4.     Uterine anatomic abnormalities (1-3%)
5.     Immunological (5%)
6.     Infections (3-5%)
7.     Structural abnormalities
8.     Unknown reasons (< 5%)

Chromosomal abnormalities
·        Autosomal trisomy
·        Triploidy            
·        Monosomy X
·        Structural rearrangement;  

Uterine abnormalities
1.     Uterine malformations -  result from a failure of normal fusion of the Mullerian ducts, as: bicronuate uterus,   septate or subseptate, and uterus didelphys.
2.      Intra-uterine synechiae ( Asher man's syndrome) in which there is either partial or complete adhesion between walls of uterus leading to partial or complete obliteration of the uterine cavity.
            Usually occur as a result of intrauterine infections following; 
·        Retained parts of conception
·        post-abortal or postpartum curettage
·        repeated pregnancy loss

Cervical incompetence
It is a well-recognized cause of miscarriage in late second trimester.
Causes painless cervical dilatation
  Trauma to cervix is the main etiological factor
·        vigorous mechanical dilatation of cervix
·        trauma during delivery
·        cone biopsy
·        cervical amputation

  Congenital -  rare

Risk factors for spontaneous  miscarriage
·        Advanced maternal age* (>35 yrs)
·        Smoking
·        Alcohol use during pregnancy
·        Infections

Differential diagnoses /causes for early pregnancy bleeding
·        Miscarriage
·        Ectopic pregnancy
·        Molar pregnancy
·        Cervical or vaginal abnormality, e.g. infection,
·        polyp, trauma, malignancy

1.Serum B-HCG   may be required to confirm pregnancy
2.Ultra-sound examination
Abdominal U/S  GS will be seen normally if SBHCG ≥ 3000mIU/ml
Trans-vaginal ;      more  accurate 
                                GS will be seen normally if SBHCG  ≥ 1000mIU/ml

If fetal heart seen on U/S examination, pregnancy will continue in 98%.
3.grouping and Rh- antiD immunoglobulin may be needed if patient is Rh negative .

Types of miscarriages

Types  of miscarriage
Clinical presentation
Ultrasound findings 
Threaten miscarriage
Bleeding +/- pain
Intrauterine pregnancy, i.e. gestation sac with yolk sac +/- fetal pole and cardiac activity
Reassure. Follow up depending on symptoms
Speculum / pelvic examination – Os closed
Inevitable miscarriage
Bleeding +/- pain
Intrauterine pregnancy, i.e. gestation sac with yolk sac +/- fetal pole and cardiac activity
Loss of pregnancy inevitable. Admit and discuss options
Speculum / pelvic examination – Os open
Incomplete miscarriage
Bleeding +/- pain
Retained products of conception
Admit and discuss options
Speculum / pelvic examination – Os open, +/- products at the Os
Complete miscarriage
Minimal bleeding +/- pain
Empty uterus or ultrasound appearances showing less than 15 mm in diameter of retained tissue
Reassure and GP follow. βhCG monitoring if ectopic not ruled out
Speculum / pelvic examination – Os closed
Missed/ early fetal demise/ anembryonic pregnancy
Bleeding +/- pain
RCOG/ RCR criteria
Expectant/ medical/ surgical
CRL > 6mm, no FHM Empty gestation sac with mean diameter > 20 mm


Evacuation of products of conception (ERPC)

·        Cervical trauma and subsequent cervical incompetence
·        Uterine perforation
·        Intrauterine adhesion
·        Pelvic infection
·        Hamorrahge

Medical management
·        Prostaglandins are used in single or divided doses administrated orally or vaginally.
·        Progesterone antagonist can be added with prostaglandin
Most successful in pregnancies under 10 weeks or with a mean gestatinal sac diameter under 24mm.

Septic miscarriage
Occurs as a result of ascending infection following miscarriage.
If not treated, infection may spread throughout pelvis → septicemia and septic shock

·        pyrexia
·        abdominal pain, and  tenderness
·        persistent vaginal bleeding
·        offensive vaginal discharge

Routine basic investigations as BL. Group, RH factor, CBC, BS, urea & electrolytes, etc.
Cervical swab/high vaginal swab
U/S examination for retained parts

·        Iv. Broad spectrum antibiotic
·        IV fluids ± blood transfusion if needed
·        Analgesia
·        Evacuation of uterus
·        Anti D

·        Septicemia, and septic shock
·        Acute renal failure
·        Chronic pelvic infection
·        Infertility

Recurrent miscarriage
Definition- spontaneous loss of three or more consecutive pregnancies.
Affects 1 % of all women.

1.Anatomic  (Sporadic)   
·        Luteal phase deficiency
·        Uncontrolled DM
·        Thyroid disorders
·        PCOS
       Anti phospholipid syndrome                      
       Alcohol, Smoking
5.Genetic factors               

Management includes:
1-Careful history and examination
2- trans-vaginal U/S
3- HSG and/or hysteroscopy
4- karyotyping
5-blood tests for infections
6- antiphospholipid antibodies

Treatment according to the cause

1 comment:

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