Monday, December 28, 2015


1 Which of the following statements are true regarding .GDM and its treatment .

a. Ideally diagnosed by FBS combined with PPBS
b.Insulin crosses the placenta
c. Metformin crosses the placenta
d.Metformin causes hypoglycemia
e. Metformin is the fist line pharmacological treatment

2. which of the following are true regarding pregnancy complicated by pre existing DM

a.They should be offered Folic acid 1mg for 3 month before conception
b.Insulin sensitivity  increases in the 1st trimested
c.Increases the risk for pre eclamasia
d. with rapid control of blood sugar pre existing retinopathy may worsen
e, Tight glycemic control may prevent the retinopathy from detriotion

3.Fetal complication of pre exiting DM

a.Small for gestational age
c.Shoulder Dystocia
d. Anemia
e . Neonatal hyperglycemia